Races of acceleration "Dragster"

(System "Double-K.O.")

Computer stop watch up to 1/1.000 milliseconds by means of connection of light valves (beams / infra red rays) for 2 roads (paths)

____ / _ i _____ i _______ i ____ i

Traffic light  L1      L2        L3     L4

        START                       FINISH

   1RZ = time reactions (traffic light-L1)
   2ZZ = intermediate time or dispersal (L1-L2)
   3TS = Top Speed the maximal final speed (L3-L4)
   4FZ = time of travel of a distance (L1-L4)
   5GZ = general{common} time (RZ+FZ) 

Receptions {Offers} and requirements / Conditions and the task

The program should have the connected traffic light and 4 beams on each path (s. scheme {plan} <screenshots.htm>)
In double system K.O. That participant who has twice lost in any sequence (-, - +-, +++-) leaves.
Each starting list of each class is kept {gathers} in separate Excel Tabelle.
If indirect quantities{amounts} the participant becomes, any participant receives a joker, i.e. it{he} only should go in the end of the list. The line of empty road is cancelled {leaves} after a stop.
As all LS join consistently and penultimate LS very small removal distance down to Ziel-LS has, and speeds very much greater {big}, thus the obstacle of light valves in the program theoretically is not possible {probable}. The traffic light "yellow color" and anybody should run on drive parts!
///*** If unpaired number of participants to one the joker drops out, i.e. it should pass a distance one and the last because of indications who prepares next. Unnecessary time will be removed click the right mousy in the report.
Since all beams are connected consistently and the penultimate beam has very small distance up to final, and speeds very much greater blocking of beams in the program theoretically is not possible.

After the first the general{common} {public} start will be participant on lost which struggle for the third place {the area} and gained which will struggle for the first and second place {the area} it is divided. A manual chronometer up to 1/1.000 s. It is not stipulated in the program. The STOP = failure{accident}, ???? {damage}, Back...
Start of time at " a traffic light = red color " is not possible{probable}. At it is yellow start runs for both.
///*** After the first general {common} arrival lost win for the third place, and then winners for the first and second place.
Manual time (up to 1/1.000 with.) in the program it is not stipulated.

Step by step

1. In the table or in a text file make the starting list of participants;
2. Start the program and works get acquainted by means of [F1] for following {the further work};
3. To connect a traffic light, the beams, the second monitor or the TV to a computer, to press a key [F2] and to make necessary installations;
4. Import to a grid of the program the starting list;
5. activate beams;
6. Start cars. In the purpose there is an interrogation {inquiry}, whether races were successful and should be kept {to gather {be going}} and to be printed at once. After acknowledgement {confirmation} speed and times are written to the report;
///*** After finish there will be an interrogation or arrival has passed{has taken place} successfully. After acknowledgement{confirmation} in the report speed and times will enter the name;
7. After restoration of the starting list, " New starting lists make a badge " to press. After filling all starting list to press the button " To create the new mixed starting lists lost and winners with a casual joker, if unpaired number " (the joker is exposed manually by click by the right button of the mouse in the report);
8. After that all gained and then {then} all gained go.
After " the New list of a starter " - click of all lost are in the list lost and gained in the list gained. After that (after race) only gained (in the list lost as they had already a minus) and for this purpose arrive lost of the list gained.
Thus continue struggle up to only one driver in each list remains.
///*** In the same way to lead arrivals of all lost, and then winners and again to press " To create new lists " (lost and winners). In the list lost there are only winners and are added lost of the list of winners, and in the list of winners remain, naturally, only winners, etc. yet does not remain on one participant (winner) in each list. ***///

The short description

The starting list of participants A1-J1: starting numbers, surnames, names, a class, time of reaction (green light of a traffic light down to the first LS, a time interval or acceleration, the maximal final speed, time of a distance (from the first down to the last LS) and general{common} time (reaction + time in a way of a distance). Crevices {columns} the report will accept names of crevices {columns} from the starting list.
First number of the participant should go in the second line (A2, B2 = a name {a surname}, etc. begin (s. sample.xls).
In the purpose results at once are printed (for participants and for the judge as the proof {the information{inquiry}} and as the document).
Times all races of each participant are written to the list of final result. The program should be sorted on the end of competitions after surnames or starting numbers and is exported to table Excel. There it is necessary to print probably all times of each participant it is noted.
In case of electric infringement the program automatically makes some files of maintenance, where the program is in the registrar.

Service of the keyboard / Hot keys

Contacts the CATFISH of port
Distance of a line always from one point (0). 3 variants of start are possible{probable}:
1. There Is a traffic light and beams of reaction;
2. There Is a traffic light, but there are no first beams;
3. There Is no traffic light, and there are beams.
1. Start of time by contact 7+8 for both simultaneously. Crossing of 1.st beam stops time of reaction of everyone for the path. Cars cost {stand} on the certain distance from a line of start.
2. The same start (a sound or visual contact signal: a traffic light, a pistol, plates-crackers, the toggle-switch, the button...). Cars cost {stand} on a line of start. There is no time of reaction.
3. As beams are divided {undressed} on paths start without 7+8 for both simultaneously from 1+4 or 4+6 in the program is not stipulated. Or one general {common} beam should be connected to 7+8 then cross a beam of one of cars will start time for both, but the beam cannot be a signal for start!
At red color of a traffic light contacts are disconnected {switched-off} also time is not marked. When there is no moving objects on a line then include yellow light and contacts for beams are activated. If the participant drive, since contact earlier, than green light time to it{him} will not be marked - Error Start and automatic "loss" (a minus in last column).

Questions and support

All questions, mistakes {errors}, efficiency proposals, correction, a praise and criticism in writing in: